Fundraising Services
Since 1993, the velocity of political fundraising has grown exponentially. With every new development, fundraising trend, and election law change, CMDI has proactively developed software products to meet the needs of bundlers, joint fundraising committees, major donors, and WinRed as well as maintaining a hands-on staff with expertise in these areas.
Bundler Management
Since the Bush-Cheney campaign first used CMDI software to manage the Pioneer and Ranger programs, we have continued to work with party committees and presidential campaigns. In addition to providing the software to manage volunteer fundraising programs, CMDI experienced staff assist high-level programs for major campaigns and committees.
Joint Fundraising Committees
As the only Republican vendor with the software and expertise to manage the contributions and disbursements of joint fundraising committees, our expertise sets us apart in the political sector. In 2008, we built the first and only software program to record, track, and report complex JFC contributions. During the last two presidential cycles, the use of our JFC distribution features grew exponentially, making CMDI’s JFC technology and methodologies even more essential to GOP fundraising.
In 2020, Crimson was used to manage 46 JFCs that distributed over $1 billion.
Discover Crimson.
Set up a custom demo to see how the Crimson platform can help your Republican organization.
WinRed Support
After WinRed was announced and launched, CMDI rapidly adjusted to the new processing and reporting needs of our client base. We fast-tracked the development of programs to manage the reporting and loading procedures, which can accommodate the extra complexity of conduit fundraising.
Major Donor Support
Over the years, support for major donor fundraising has led to many developments within Crimson including club management, detailed contact histories, and an entire task system for assigning and tracking fundraising calls. In addition to the features offered in Crimson, CMDI staff members provide major donor support through:
Regular trainings for major donor staff on how to use Crimson.
One-off merges of duplicate records.
List pulls of donors based on region and giving history.
Providing fundraising reports as requested.